The Ghost Detective in Hindi Dubbed


The Ghost Detective is a South Korean Mysterious Thriller drama series that Dubbed in Urdu/Hindi Language and You can get all the episodes from the below button. Click on the below button and enjoy your favorite drama. Don’t forget to join our telegram channel for new drama updates.

Additional Details
DRAMA: South Korean
DUBBED: Hindi & Urdu
RELEASE DATE: Sep 5, 2018

Plot Summary

The Ghost Detective drama follows Lee Da Il, a skilled private detective who solves unusual cases. He’s smart, brave, and determined to uncover the truth. His life takes a mysterious turn when he starts to encounter supernatural elements during his investigations.

Jung Yeo Wool is Da Il’s assistant. She is strong-willed and passionate about finding out the truth behind her younger sibling’s tragic death. Together, they team up to solve mysteries involving ghosts and the paranormal.

Their main enemy is Sunwoo Hye, a mysterious woman dressed in red, who seems to be connected to a series of strange deaths. As Da Il and Yeo Wool dig deeper, they uncover chilling secrets and face life-threatening situations...

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