Mask 2015 (Hindi Dubbed) | DramaVerse


Mask (2015) is a Vgripping Melodrama South Korean drama series that Dubbed in Urdu/Hindi Language and You can get all the episodes from the below button. Click on the below button and enjoy your favorite drama. Don’t forget to join our telegram channel for new drama updates.

Additional Details
DRAMA: South Korean
DUBBED: Hindi & Urdu
RELEASE DATE: Sep 5, 2018

Plot Summary

Mask (2015) drama about Byun Ji Sook, a woman struggling with financial problems because of her family's debt. Life gets even harder when she is constantly harassed by debt collectors, and her future looks bleak. However, everything changes when she is mistaken for Seo Eun Ha, a wealthy woman who looks just like her.

Seo Eun Ha, a member of a rich family, dies unexpectedly, and Ji Sook is forced to take her place. Under the guidance of Min Seok Hoon, Eun Ha's cold and calculating fiancé, Ji Sook begins living a life of luxury but constantly fears being exposed.

Things get more complicated when Choi Min Woo, Eun Ha’s arranged husband, enters the picture. He is the heir to a large conglomerate and has his own struggles with mental health issues and family pressures. As Ji Sook continues to live as Eun Ha, she and Min Woo develop feelings for each other, but their love is built on lies and deception...

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