Dali and Cocky Prince in Hindi Dubbed


Dali and Cocky Prince is a South Korean romantic drama series that Dubbed in Urdu/Hindi Language and You can get all the episodes from the below button. Click on the below button and enjoy your favorite drama. Don’t forget to join our telegram channel for new drama updates.

Additional Details
DRAMA: South Korean
DUBBED: Hindi & Urdu
RELEASE DATE: Sept 22, 2021

Plot Summary

Dali and Cocky Prince the drama about two people Jin Moo Hak and Kim Dal Li from completely different worlds who find themselves unexpectedly drawn to each other.

Jin Moo Hak is a wealthy businessman who has built his success through a global restaurant franchise. Though he’s great at making money, he’s rough around the edges, lacking education and cultural refinement. His brash, no-nonsense attitude often puts him in funny situations, but deep down, he has a good heart.

On the other side is Kim Dal Li, a graceful and intelligent art curator who grew up in a well-educated, elite family. She knows everything about art and culture but struggles to handle the financial side of life, especially after her family's art gallery faces bankruptcy...

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